Dernière mise à jour: 25-03-2004 par L.Boisvert (

• First International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences, Nice France, 2003

• European Union of Geosciences: EUG XI Meeting

• 2001 - Une odyssée géotechnique: la 54 conférence canadienne annuelle de géotechnique

• Réunion COSTA-CANADA 27-28 janvier 2002, Université Laval, Québec

First International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences,
as part of the EGS-AGU-EUG joint meeting in Nice, 7-11th of April 2003, Nice, France

Finite element simulation of retrogressive failure of submarine slopes,(A. Azizian and R. Popescu) résumé

Instability and flow liquefaction of submarine slopes due to monotonic loadings - An effective stress approach
(E. Atigh, P. M. Byrne)

The Pointe-du-fort Mass Movements Deposits, Upper Saguenay Fjord, Canada; a Multiphase Build-up
(M.J. Duchesne, B.L. Long, P. Locat, J. Locat, M. Massé)

Very-high-resolution 3D seismic volume of a submarine landslide: an example from the Upper Saguenay Fjord, Canada
(M.J.Duchesne, B. Hart)

Towards an approach for the assessment of risk associated to submarine mass movements
(S. Leroueil, J. Locat, C. Levesque, H.J. Lee)

Characterisation of the submarine flow-slide at Pointe-du-Fort, Saguenay Fjord, Quebec, Canada
(P. Locat, S. Leroueil, J. Locat, M.J.Duchesne)

Stability analysis of the Hudson Apron Slide, off New Jersey,USA(J. Locat, P. Desgagnés, S. Leroueil, H.J. Lee) résumé

Submarine mass movements in the upper Sagueney fjord, (Quebec, Canada), Triggered by the 1663 earthquake(J. Locat, F. Martin, P. Locat, S. Leroueil, C. Levesque, J.-M. Konrad, R. Urgeles, M. Canals, M.J. Duchesne) résumé

Simulating submarine slope instability initiation using centrifuge model testing (S. E Coulter, R Phillips) résumé

The chronology and recurrence of submarine mass movements on the continental slope off southeastern Canada(D.J.W. Piper, D.C. Mosher, B.-J. Gauley, K. Jenner D.C Cambell) résumé

A synthesis of the distribution of submarine mass movements on the eastern canadian margin(D.J.W. Piper and C. McCall) résumé

Displacement analysis of submarine slopes using enhanced Newmark method
(N. Zangeneh and R. Popescu)

Du 8 au 12 avril 2001, Strasbourg, France

Atelier sur la stabilité du talus continental: projet COSTA
Présentations (les résumés sont en format pdf)

Landslide-generated tsunamis on the Pacific Coast of North America - observation and modeling (Brian D. Bornhold, Richard E. Thompson, Evgueni A. Kulikov, Alexander B. Rabinovich, Isaac V. Fine)résumé

Earthquake response of submarine sediment( Peter M. Byrne, J-M Konrad)résumé

Laboratory investigation on the effect of fines on cyclic resistance( J.-M. Konrad, A. Eliadorani, P. Byrne)résumé

The geotechnical characterisation of mass movements as a component of submarine landslide risk assessment: an application to the New Jersey Margin( J. Locat, P. Desgagnés, S. Leroueil, M.-C. Héroux)résumé

Subsurface physical property predictions from 3-D seismic data: the challenge for marine geotechnical studies( B. Hart, B. Long, J. Locat)résumé

Regional variability of factors that influence offshore slope stability, synthesis within a GIS( H.J. Lee, J. Locat, P. Dartnell, D. Minasian, F. Wong)résumé

Failure on the southeast Canadian margin: the Canada-COSTA focus(David J.W. Piper, D.C. Mosher, K.A. Jenner, B.J. Gauley, M.L. Morrison, D.C. Campbell)résumé

Simulating subsurface slope instability initiation using centrifuge model testing( R. Phillips, R. Popescu, J.-M. Konrad)résumé

Du 16 au 19 septembre 2001, Calgary, Canada

Atelier sur les mouvements de masse sous-marins et leurs conséquences
Présentations (les résumés et les articles sont en format pdf)

COSTA-Canada: a Canadian contribution to the study of continental slope stability - an overview. ( J. Locat, B.D. Bornhold, P. Byrne, B. Hart, J. Hughes Clark, J.-M. Konrad, H. Lee, S. Leroueil, B. Long, D. Mosher, D. Piper, R. Phillips, R. Popescu, R. Thomson ) article , résumé

Backanalysis of the 1929 Grand Banks submarine slope failure. ( A. Azizian, R. Popescu, P. Guo ) article , résumé

Risk of lanslide-generated tsunamis for the coast of Btitish Columbia and Alaska. ( B.D. Bornhold, R.E. Thompson, A.B. Rabinovich, E.A. Kulikov, , I.V. Fine ) article , résumé

Submarine failures in the strait of Georgia, British Columbia: landslides of the 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake. ( D.C. Mosher, P.A. Monahan, J.V. Barrie )  article , résumé

Regional variability of offshore slopes stability: geotechnical considerations and GIS modeling. ( H.J. Lee, J. Locat, P. Dartnell, D. Minasian, F. Wong ) résumé

Failure structures in the quaternary deposits of the St-Lawrence estuary (Qc, Canada). ( M. Masse, B.F. Long, S. Occhietti) article , résumé

Simulating submarine slope instability initiation using centrifuge model testing. ( R. Phillips ) article , résumé

High-resolution three-dimensional seismic surveying of submarine landslides: rationale and challenges. ( B. Hart, M. Massé, J. Locat, B. Long ) article

Caractérisation préliminaire du glissement sous-marin de la Pointe-du-Fort, Fjord du Saguenay, Québec, Canada.( P. Locat, J. Locat, S. Leroueil, R. Urgeles, B. Hart, B. Long ) article

The Saguenay Fjord: integrating marine geotechnical and geophysical data for spatial slope stability analysis. ( R. Urgeles, J. Locat, H. Lee, F. Martin, J.-M. Konrad ) article

Caractéristiques géotechniques et analyse du potentiel de liquéfaction des sédiments récents et post-glaciaires du Fjord du Saguenay, Québec, Canada. ( F. Martin, J.-M. Konrad, J. Locat, P. Locat, R. Urgeles, H. Lee ) article

Geomorphology and slope instability features in the Outardes delta area, Québec, Canada. ( M. Duchesne, R. Urgeles, B. Long, J. Locat ) article


Creating a Pseudo-3D Seismic Volume from 2D Closely Spaced Lines. (Ph.D. student: Manon Massé, supervisor: Dr. Bruce Hart)

3D characterisation of the morpho-sedimentological variability of submarine landslide deposits, Saguenay Fjord, Canada.
(Ph.D. student: Mathieu Duchesne, Supervisor: Dr. Bernard Long)

The Pointe-Du-Fort submarine flow-slide.(Ph.D. student: Pascal Locat, supervisor: Dr. Serge Leroueil)

The mobility of submarine mass movements. (Ph.D. student: Sueng Won Jeong, supervisor: Dr. Jacques Locat)

Influence of layering on cyclic strength. (Ba.A.Sc. student: Sébastien Dubeau, supervisor: Dr. Jean-Marie Konrad)

Three-Dimensional Seismic Analysis of Submarine Slopes. (Ph.D. student: Alireza Azizian, supervisor: Dr. Radu Popescu)

Modélisation de la stabilité des pentes sous-marines stratifiées. (Ph.D. student: Nabil Salah, supervisor: Dr. Jean-Marie Konrad)

Stability of Submarine Slopes Under Unsaturated and Partially drained Conditions. (Ph.D. student: Ehsanollah Atigh, supervisor: Dr. Peter Byrne)

Centrifuge model testing. (M.A.Sc. student: Stephen Coulter, supervisor: Dr. Ryan Phillips)